CREPA- CREPA: The LEADER in the "art" of crepa- making
Δημοσιεύθηκε στις 03.10.2011

Συνημμένα Αρχεία
CREPA-CREPA constitutes an original and special in taste proposal in the sector of Fast Food industry. CREPA CREPA shops focus on pancakes- crepes and they are distinguished for their large variety of tasty proposals. More specifically, they give the customer the opportunity to select through eighty four (84) different combinations and use their imagination to create their own unique crepe.
A unique gastronomic experience in a pleasant environment
Its long experience and exclusive know how makes CREPA CREPA the leader in the "art" of crepes. It offers a unique experience to the customer of not only eating but also watching their crepe being prepared. It is packed and served into special and customized boxes in order to maintain the crepe's delicious freshness and aroma, as the perfect crepe should be. Moreover, CREPA CREPA shops have a modern design and lively colors creating a pleasant, friendly and pioneering environment for the customer.
For CREPA- CREPA, each crepe is considered UNIQUE like its customers' desires. For this reason, the company follows the trends of global gastronomy and has created a menu with a large variety in flavors. CREPA CREPA proposes sweet and salted delights and has also moved to creating a vegetarian crepe with Greek and international taste tendencies from all around the world. Italian, Mexican and Chinese tastes (wagamole, chilly and Italian sauces) along with its own creative recipes offer a tasteful and unique crepe that you cannot eat just once!
Why franchise with CREPA-CREPA
The concept of CREPA- CREPA has been thoroughly developed and its uniqueness has differentiated it in the fast food industry in Greece. Through its experience, it offers a considerable and very profitable investment, whereas its international expansion will give the opportunity to more people to taste a unique crepe and gain from an innovative opportunity.
At the moment, the network consists of 9 shops and is about to open two more branches exclusively within central and well known locations.
The competitive advantages of CREPA CREPA.
- Innovative concept especially preferable by customers who are tired of limited and standardized menus in the category of fast food shops.
- Unique production for the dough with delicious crepe recipes and exclusivity in its technique when preparing the crepes.
- Large and differentiated variety in flavors
- Special equipment that only CREPA- CREPA uses starting by a customized board where the crepe must be created and cooked on.
- Accomplished knowledge of 15 years of experience and know-how: both are transferred to all the franchisees in order to operate a successful business
Contact person : Vaggelis Kotsos
Τel: +30 210 9330445 / Fax: +30 210 9330416
Web Site:

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