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Profitability and beauty!
Zerva Cosmetics Professional Make up Company saw an opportunity to the growing demand for products and services in the beauty industry, the existing gap in the market for a network specialized in professional make up while. Furthermore, it is common that woman never stops taking care of herself from the most important moments of life up to the everyday life. This is the reason why Zerva Cosmetics created an easy and simple business model and is willing to share the secrets of success with other people with the same attitude, spirit and professionalism.
A comprehensive franchise package
Throughout its 20 years of successful presence in the professional make up industry, Zerva Company has translated the knowledge and experience in products and services through specialized studio and schools, creating a business proposal with 3 unbeatable advantages.
• A unique business model: The first franchise system specialized in professional make up, easy, simple, with operation support system And low operating costs.
• Integrated support system: A system that includes education, information, innovation, research & development, and, of course, constant communication with franchisees and their entire staff.
• Multiple options: With Zerva Company the businessman or businesswoman can operate in every aspect of professional make up, such as application, education and products.
A double business proposal
The new franchisee can choose a business proposal that fits their standards. For the franchisee who loves make up, creation and the look in a woman’s eyes that sees herself more beautiful than ever, Zerva Makeup Studios is the right choice. For a candidate who believes that the transmission of knowledge and the creation of the right professionals are the most important roles that one can obtain in our business field, then Zerva Make up Artists Workshop is what you are looking for.
20 years of Expertise, 4 complete study courses and topics that fully cover all aspects of professional makeup as well as products that showcase the talent, all create a profitable business proposition that combines love for makeup, technical skills and zest for teaching.
Advantages for the franchisee
• Low investment and operating costs.
• Over 20 years of expertise. Numerous people literally have been transformed in the hands of N & N Zerva Professional Makeup Artists.
• Innovative high-quality products that are created based on the specifications from N & N Zerva Company, especially to meet the needs of every Greek woman.
• 10 days training program with a full 10 days introductory seminar.
• Constant renewal of products and the company’s services, so as to meet the demands of modern women.
• Ongoing support from our experienced and dedicated team.
• Increase of company’s value for all the franchise members as the network grows.
Cooperation Package
Development Coordinator: THE FRANCHISE CO.
Tel: +30 210 6756200-1
Fax: +30 210 6752864
E-mail: frsupport@tfc.gr
Web site: www.zervanana.gr