Serbian International Franchising EXPO- 4-5 November 2011
Published at 13/10/2011

The SERBIAN INTERNATIONAL FRANCHISING EXPO will be held on 4th to 5th November, 2011, at the Belexpocenter, Belgrade. The organizers of the International Franchising Expo are the Serbian Chamber of Commerce – Center for Franchising, in cooperation with of Serbian Franchising Association and support of US Commercial Service.
The INTERNATIONAL FRANCHISING EXPO is Serbia’s premier franchising exhibition series. The expo provides franchise buyers, investors and existing business owners the chance to compare the latest franchising systems, access financial advice and speak with industry experts in the one convenient location
Within only two days, you will have the opportunity to make contacts that can be decisive for the business future of your firm and expansion of the franchise network. You will have he opportunity to present your franchising concept to a large number of potential franchisees at one place, and to be included in the Expo catalogue and on our website.
For brand owners, looking to extend the power and popularity of their brands, this is the perfect place to meet your target audience from around the region and watch your revenue streams grow!
Franchise business key aspects of faster economic development of the Serbian industry
Popularization of the concept of franchise business in Serbia represents one of the key aspects of faster economic development and incorporation into world and European integrative processes. The purpose of research and analysis of the existing franchise business in developed countries is reflected in the raising of awareness of the advantages and potential possibilities of franchise business in Serbia, as well as the improvement of free entrepreneurship through emphasizing the key role of franchising in the open business system of economic societies.
The INTERNATIONAL FRANCHISING EXPO 2011 in Serbia offers: • All the most important members of the franchise community in Serbia and SEE will gather in one place • Expo guarantees a large number of target visitors, who wish to invest into a new business or to improve the existing one • Complete review of information on franchise business • Expo represents a meeting place for experts from Serbia and the world, the ones who grant and the ones that receive franchises, franchise associations, institutions, banks, chambers, lawyers and potential investors, the only manifestation with an offer of franchise concepts in our market and the ones that wish to come to Serbia s in
• Great coverage in the media and all the more important business magazines, as well as the daily papers, which will report on the events • Expo offers excellent solutions for growth and development of SMEs and encourages projects designed for entrepreneurs.
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